Sunday, October 31, 2010

18 Weeks

18 weeks! WOW!  That's halfway to 36.  I'd love to make it to 37 or 38, but 36 would be wonderful. I can't believe it's going by so fast. 

This week, I really noticed a growth spurt... I'm up 14 lbs according to our bathroom scale, and trying on clothes this week got a little depressing.  I know I'm not supposed to be fitting in my regular clothes... I mean, this is twins after all!  But still, I've been able to wear some of my regular shirts to this point since most are longer, but this week that all got crossed off of the list of options.  Every shirt is too short.  I wasn't counting on this so soon!  In a panic, I ordered several shirts online from Old Navy in hopes they will last a while.  I really don't want to have to buy a whole new wardrobe.  Also this week I tried on a pair of my sweatpants from last year that were huge on me.  And they were tight.  Like seriously tight all through the waist, hips, ass... you get the picture.  :(

In the last couple of days, I've felt the babies move even more, which is wonderful!  I've been pretty calm through all of this so far, not worrying much about the babies, but my nerves have started to pick up a bit in anticipation of our next appointment and the anatomy scan.  Looking back at some of the u/s pictures from last time, there is one 3D picture of B (and I KNOW full well that 3D ultrasounds will make things look like they're missing/fused/bumpy/etc.) where it looks like he might have three fingers on one hand.  The tech didn't mention it at all at our scan, and I'm sure it's just a weird shot, but it's starting to worry me.  To add to that, we got shortchanged last time b/c they didn't take us back until 30 min. late, so I'm already starting to think about next time.  Our appointment is a week from tomorrow-- it can't come soon enough!

Happy Halloween!!!

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